Canada’s 988 hotline gives people access to suicide prevention services via call or text, and is now available in all provinces and territories 24/7 free of charge. Its goal is to prevent suicide, with calls and texts directed to a network of partners in communities across the country. It works similarly to 911, with a line dedicated for anyone in need of mental health assistance of any kind #SuicideAwareness Call 9-8-8
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9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Hotline
Do you need help?
Get more info on available support services through the My Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) program or visit our Community Programs section to find out more.
Reach out to the Kids Help Phone if you need urgent help or need to talk to someone right now.
Kids Help Phone:
Suicide Line:
1-833-456-4566 or text: 45645
Crisis Line: