Contact Us

Urgent Help

If you need urgent help or need to talk to someone right now, please call:

General Information

If you are a young person or a parent, and would like to speak to someone about our programs, our services, or have a general inquiry, please email us at or call 613-933-6362.

Please note that we will only be able to reply to messages during our regular business hours: Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Duty to Report

Laurencrest is legally bound to report to the Police or Children’s Aid Society (CAS) the following situations where a client discloses:

  • Abuse to themselves, or to another (physical, sexual, emotional) and/or neglect, where the young person is under the age of 16
  • Intention to hurt themselves (suicidal, or serious self-harm)
  • Intention to hurt another person (homicidal, or violent behaviour)
  • If the clinician has reasonable suspicion that the client may be in need of protection, where the young person is over the age of 16
  • If the clinician has reasonable suspicion that the client has been abused, is currently being abused, or at risk of abuse.
    This includes:
    a) When domestic violence is reported and there is a child/children at home
    b) When the client discloses they have been abused as a child, and if there is a possibility of the abuser being a danger to the child/children

Confidentiality may be limited if subpoenaed by a Court of law.

Our Location

510 Mercier Street West
Cornwall, Ontario K6K 1K2
T: (613) 933-6362
F: (613) 936-2533

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How can we help?

Do you need help?


Get more info on available support services through the My Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) program or visit our Community Programs section to find out more.


Reach out to the Kids Help Phone if you need urgent help or need to talk to someone right now.

Kids Help Phone:


Suicide Line:

1-833-456-4566 or text: 45645

Crisis Line:



Dial 211

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